On October 28-30 the Fund specialists took part in the 10th Anniversary of “Our house” annual construction exhibition held in the capital of the Autonomous Republic оf Adzharia – Batumi. The leader of the Autonomous Republic оf Adzharia –Levan Varshalomidze and several other officials were present at the opening ceremony of the Exhibition. “Expomedia” Center of Exhibition Projects L.L.C. was the official organizer of this activity in Armenia. The aim of the exhibition was to unite the Armenian and international organizations engaged in the sectors of construction, repairing and maintenance, design and projection by providing high quality production and services. About 70 organizations from Armenia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran and Georgia took part in the exhibition. During this activity the Director of the Fund Tamara Babayan had an official meeting with the Minister of Education, culture and sport of Adzharia – Gua Abuladze. Many issues on heating sector were discussed during the meeting, namely the school heating issue.