20.02.2011 General Guidelines for use of EMP checklist:
For low-risk construction projects, such as minor building rehabilitation works or the retrofitting of heating systems and insulation, the ECA (Europe and Central Asia) safeguards team developed an alternative EMP (environmental management plan) format to provide an opportunity for a more streamlined approach to mainstreaming the World Bank’s environmental safeguards requirements into projects which (a) are small in scale or by the nature of the planned activities have a low potential environmental impact, (b) are located in countries with well functioning country systems for environmental assessment and management. The checklist-type format has been developed to ensure that basic good practice measures are recognized and implemented, while designed to be both user friendly and compatible with the World Bank’s safeguards requirements.
The EMP checklist-type format attempts to cover typical key mitigation measures to civil works contracts with small, localized impacts or of a simple, low risk nature. This format provides the key elements of an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to meet the minimum World Bank Environmental Assessment requirements for Category B projects under OP 4.01. The intention of this checklist is that it offers practical, concrete and implementable guidance to Contractors and supervising Engineers for simple civil works contracts. It should be completed during the final design phase and, either freestanding or in combination with any environmental documentation produced under national law (e.g. EIA reports), constitute an integral part of the bidding documents and eventually the works contracts.
The checklist EMP has the following sections:
Part 1 includes a descriptive part that characterizes the project, specifies institutional and regulatory aspects, describes technical project content, outlines any potential need for capacity building and briefly characterizes the public consultation process. This section should indicatively be up to two pages long. Attachments for additional information may be supplemented as needed.
Part 2 includes a screening checklist of potential environmental and social impacts, where activities and potential environmental issues can be checked in a simple Yes/No format. If any given activity/issue is triggered by checking “yes”, a reference to the appropriate section in the table in the subsequent Part C can be followed, which contains clearly formulated environmental and social management and mitigation measures.
Part 3 represents the environmental monitoring plan to follow up proper implementation of the measures triggered under Part B. It has the same format as required for MPs produced under standard safeguards requirements for Category B projects.