19.03.2013 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANING between Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund, NGO Eco-club “Tapan” and the Organization of Norges Naturvernforbund “Norweign Society for the Conservation of Nature” was signed. The objective for this Memorandum is to provide the sphere of collaboration and support cooperation between parties with common goals,excluding violation of their interests.The parties agree to cooperate in the following activities:1) Dissemination of information.
Exchange of information existing in official websites, printed and electronic materials in frames of spheres related to the energy efficiency issues in order to disseminate it within relevant audience, including public institutions, non-governmental organizations and the public.
2) Environmental education and upbringing.
Improvement and Development of the textbook (the textbook of project’s subject “Application of energy and resources”) and teaching materials. Exchange of professional consultations and skills in order to develop and to improve the teaching materials of Subject.
Coordinated using of organizational capacities, connections and the effects in order to disseminate the teaching of the Subject in public schools of RA.
Co financing of necessary funds for organization of exhibitions, seminars and other actions, flash mobs organizing by the pupils of the public schools during annual events of “The International Day Of Energy Saving- November 11″.
Implementation of the annual international competition announced for teachers and pupils of republic schools. Participation in the works of republican phase’s jury of the competition, co financing for getting awards given to the winners of republican phase, organization of award giving ceremony.
Organization of open lessons in the energetic structures of RA, manufacturing facilities of energy efficiency products and renewable energy sites.