


Renewable Energy Roadmap for Armenia

A preliminary feasibility assessment of the Preferred alternative for implementing a Commercial scale bioethanol fuels program for Armenia in the near to mid term

Demand-Side Management Study

Charged Decisions: Difficult Choices in Armenia’s Energy Sector(World Bank)

Wind Energy in Armenia: Overview of Potential and Development Perspectives

Wind Energy Development in Armenia: Legal, Regulatory, Tax and Customs Regulations

Armenia energy security and regional integration (Summary of year 1 technical results)

Connection of Photovoltaic Power Plants (with up to 5 MW of capacity) to the Common Grid of Electrical Power System

Methodology for Evaluating the Economics, Financial Viability and Environmental Consequences of Proposed Georgian Interconnection and Transmission Line Options

Overview on Solar Electric Power in Buildings with Applications in Armenia

Contract for the sale and purchase of electricity generated by wind power

Developing an improved wind power purchase agreement for Armenia

Congestion management in European grid and Applicability of Methodologies for Armenia draft report

Armenia Power Sector 2006 Least Cost Generation Plan

APPENDIX A: ANPP Upgrade Projects, Decommissioning, Life Extension and Replacement Issues and Cost

APPENDIX B: Renewable Energy Technologies and Resources

APPENDIX C: Capital Structure of the Electric Sector Companies

APPENDIX D: Electricity Demand Forecast

APPENDIX E: Fuel Price Forecast Update

APPENDIX F: Results of Detailed Analysis