A pre-bid Conference for the 55 MW Masrik-1 solar photovoltaic project in Armenia organized by the R2E2 Fund was held in Yerevan on 31 January, 2018.
Welcoming speeches at the opening ceremony of the Conference were made by the RA Vice Prime Minister, Minister of International Economic Integration and Reforms Mr. Vache Gabrielyan, World Bank Country Manager for Armenia Ms. Sylvie Bossoutrot, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Mr. Hayk Harutyunyan, Director of Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund Mr. Armen Melkikyan.
The representatives of pre-qualified companies, transaction advisory organizations, Public Services Regulatory Commission, Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources, Electric Networks of Armenia, other companies representing energy sector of Armenia, international financial organizations, Armenian banks were invited to the Conference.
At the conference, the speakers presented project preparation works, main procedures and schedule of the tender, key provisions of the agreements to be signed between the parties, mechanisms for mitigating possible social impacts of the project. Representatives of the pre-qualified organizations were given the opportunity to ask the participants of the conference questions and get clarifications.
Let’s remind, that “Masrik-1” project envisages construction of 46-55 MW installed capacity solar PV plant in Mets Masrik community of Gegharkunik province of the Republic of Armenia. The tender has been announced for the design, financing, construction, ownership and operation of the station, the results of which will be summarized in spring, 2018. The winner will be a company or consortium that will offer the lowest price.