Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund jointly with ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank implements community energy efficiency project, the purpose of which is to increase the level of energy efficiency in the communities of the Republic of Armenia.
The first community energy efficiency project is implementing in Kasakgh community of Kotayk region, within the framework of which the following energy saving measures /ESMs/ have been implemented:
The above mentioned activities have been implemented in “Art Inventive School Studio” SNCO, “Arusyak” kindergarten, in the community administrative buildings, as well as on the roofs of around 15 households of the community.
The Community Energy Efficiency Project aims to reduce inefficient energy consumption and expand the use of clean, efficient, safe and affordable energy technologies.
The activities implemented will contribute to reduce the households’ monthly energy and water heating expenses and the amount they pay against consumed electricity, and subsequent reductions.
As a result of these activities, reduction of CO2 emissions will be 105 tons per year.