ESMs are implemented in several facilities included in the project since 2012, particularly:
Main school N2 in Masis
Main school N2 in Masis – the contract is awarded to “Yerknaker” LLC for the implementation of ESMs in Main school N2. The company implemented construction-assembling activities successfully. ESMs implemented in the school include replacement of old windows with new metallic-plastic ones, cleaning and regulating of boiler and others.
Main school N4 in Ararat city
Main school N4 in Ararat city the contract is awarded to ”Sarkoghy” LLC for the implementation of ESMs in Ararat Main school N4. Several construction-assembling activities have been successfully completed, ESMs include replacement of old windows with new metallic-plastic ones, attic insulation and others.
Construction-assembling activities have been successfully completed in Masis Main school N2 and Ararat city Main school N4.
“Masis Medical Centre” CJSC
“Masis Medical Centre” CJSC the contract was awarded to ”Lilanarm” LLC in the result of the tender organized by the R2E2 Fund. Construction activities are implementing, ESMs include installation of new Boiler house, replacement of windows and doors with new metallic-plastic ones.
Main school in Mets Masrik
In the result of the tender the contract was awarded to ”Yerknaker” LLC for the implementation of construction activities. The construction-assembling activities have been already completed and the school shall be exploited soon. In the result of the construction works the old windows were replaced with new metallic-plastic ones, boiler was cleaned and regulated.
Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema
Construction activities in Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema are implemented by “ Gevorgyan and Nersisyan” LLC, to whom the contract was awarded during the tender organized by the R2E2 Fund. It is planned to replace the windows and doors with new metallic-plastic ones, attic insulation, retrofitting of the boiler and regulation of heating system.
National Archive of Armenia
National Archive of Armenia the contract was awarded to ”Araman Stone Style” LLC in the result of the tender for the implementation of construction works at National Archive of Armenia. Design activities of the facility have been already going on and construction works will be started soon. During the construction works it is anticipated to rehabilitate heating system, replace doors and windows, attic and walls insulation, and others.
Yerevan school N21 after A. Shirvanzade
Yerevan school N21 after A. Shirvanzade ”Yerknaker” LLC is implementing construction activities. Construction works started in August 15, and it is planned to replace previous windows with new metallic-plastic ones, internal repair of walls and other ESMs.
Main school N5 in Gavar
Main school N5 in Gavar the contract was awarded to ”Yerknaker” LLC in the result of the tender for the implementation of construction activities. In the result of construction works heating system of the school will be improved, outside and inside doors will be replaced, windows will replaced with metallic-plastic ones, internal walls will be repaired.
Preschool N3 in the city of Vayk
Preschool N3 in the city of Vayk construction works are implemented by “Sarkoghy” LLC, to whom the contract was awarded in the tender. Currently construction works are implemteing and it is planned to replace old windows with new metallic plastic ones, cleaning and regulation of the boiler.
Vayk city street lighting
Vayk city street lighting contract was awarded to “Sarloghy” LLC to implement street lighting in Vayk. ESMs include replacement of fluroscent lamps with energy efficient ones, installation and painting of columns and others.
Dilijan city street lighting
Dilijan city street lighting contract was awarded to “Mihrshin” LLC to implement street lighting in Dilijan city in the scope of the energy saving measures. Activities started in august 22. ESMs include replacement of fluroscent lamps with energy efficient ones.
Armenia State Economic University
Armenia State Economic University construction works will be implemented by “Zet Profile” LLC. It is planned to replace outside doors and windows with metallic plastic ones, boiler and subsidiary equipment dismounting, gas connection and water supply, water sewage, air ventilation activities and others.
Nigavan Secondary School
Construction works were implemented by “Dustr Margarita” LLC, who won the tender announced by the Fund. During construction the following works have been implemented: installation of boilers, required equipment and internal thermal network, construction of external gas pipeline and thermal insulation of the attic.
Yerevan Primary School N 163
Construction works were implemented by “Nerses ev Ynkerner” LLC. The following works were implemented during the construction: Replacement of windows with more energy efficient ones, replacement of the external doors with insulated wall, installation of heat reflectors and partial insulation of walls.
Yerevan Primary School N 187
The following works were implemented by “Gevorgyan ev Nersisyan” LLC: installation of heat reflectors on walls behind the heating radiators, replacement of the windows, partial replacement of the windows by walls, replacement of external doors by more efficient ones, etc..
Primary School N1 after J. Mkrtchyan
The following works were implemented by “Sarkoghi” LLC who won the tender announced by the Fund: installation of heat reflectors, replacement of inefficient windows, replacement of external doors, and partial replacement of windows by walls.
Primary School N66 after A. Myasnikyan
“Nerses ev Ynkerner” LLC implemented the following works: replacement of windows, partial replacement of windows by insulated walls, as well as replacement of external doors and installation of heat exchangers.
Street Lighting of Artik
The following energy efficiency works were implemented by “Zet Profile” LLC: replacement of dimmable mercury lamps by energy efficient high pressure sodium lamps, as well as regulatory works of lighting network control and calculation systems.
Street lighting of Ijevan
The winner of announced tender “Baspet” LLC implemented the following works in Ijevan: Replacement of wires with new ones, replacement of mercury lamps by more powerful lights, replacement of ordinary meters by double tariff ones, improvement of lighting network parameters, installation of street lightings.
Street lighting of Hrazdan
“Zet Profile” LLC implemented the following energy efficiency works in Hrazdan: replacement of mercury lamps by equivalent sodium fixtures, regulation of control and calculation systems, installation of missing poles and lighting fixtures and pole painting.
Primary School N61 of Yerevan
The winner of announced tender “Zet Profile” LLC implemented the following construction works: replacement of windows by more energy efficient ones, thermal insulation of ceiling, replacement of external doors by more efficient ones, replacement of an external door with insulated wall.
School N2 of Dilijan
Construction works in the school N2 of Dilijan was implemented by “Arsev” LLC, to which the contract was awarded by the Fund.
The following works were implemented in the scope of energy efficiency
measures: replacement of old windows with new metal-plastic ones, replacement of windows by insulated walls, replacement of exterior doors by metal-plastic ones, construction of division wall for heating and non-heating areas, insulation of the 1st building’s attic and installation of heat reflectors on the walls behind the radiators.
Street lighting of Kapan
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures was awarded to “Sarkoghi” LLC. In the scope of energy efficiency measures the following works were carried out: replacement of mercury lamps by the high-pressure natrium lamps of the same quantity providing equivalent lighting, regulation of accounting and management systems, improvement of lighting network parameters, replacement of old supply wires, installation of missing high-pressure natrium lamps, lighting fixtures and columns.
Street lighting of Sisian
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures in Sisian was awarded to “Sarkoghi” LLC. In the scope of the project they implemented the following works: replacement of mercury lamps and fixtures by the equivalent high-pressure natrium lamps, incandescent lmaps for decoration lighting were replaced by the efficient ones, regulation of accounting and management system, improvement of lighting network parameters, painting of lighting columns.
School N44 named after Hrant Dink
In the scope of the Project, “Sarkoghi” LLC implemented the following construction works: partial insulation of interior walls, replacement of non-efficient windows, partial replacement of windows bay insulated walls, replacement of exterior doors by efficient ones, as well as modification of internal network.
Municipality of Artashat
Energy efficiency measures in Municipality of Artashat were implemented by “Zet Profile” LLC. The following works were carried out: replacement of windows by energy efficient ones, division of heating and non-heating areas, replacement of exterior doors by efficient ones, installation of interior heating network, installation of boiler and other necessary equipment, construction of gas pipelines, installation of pressure regulation and accounting systems.
Ashtarak Medical Center
For implementation of energy efficiency measures in Ashtarak Medical Center, the contract was awarded to “Zet Profile” LLC. The following works were implemented in the scope of the project: replacement of windows by efficient ones, insulation of walls under windows, replacement of exterior doors by efficient ones, installation of internal heating system, re-equipment of boiler room, insulation of the attic, installation of external heating system.
“Institute of physical research” of National Academy of Science, RA
For the implementation of the energy efficiency measures, the contract was granted to “Bideq” LLC. The following works were carried out: replacement of windows by efficient ones, replacement of transparent surfaces by insulated walls, replacement of external doors by efficient ones, works of partial insulation, re-equipment of boiler room, internal finishing works of the walls.
Special school N2 of Vagharshapat
In special school N2 of Vagharshapat the contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures was granted to “Gevorgyan & Nersisyan” LLC. The following works were carried out: replacement of windows by efficient ones, replacement of external doors by efficient ones, insulation of attic, partial replacement of windows by insulated walls.
Vagharshapat School N8 named after G. Njdeh
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures in school N8 of Vagharshapat was awarded to “Arsev” LLC. The following works were implemented in the school: replacement of non-efficient windows by new metal-plastic ones, partial replacement of windows by insulated walls, replacement of non-efficient external doors by metal-plastic ones, insulation of the attic in the 1st building.
High-Voltage Electrical networks (South Branch)
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures in South branch of HVEN was awarded to “Zet Profile” LLC. The following energy efficiency measures were implemented: insulation of external concrete walls, installation of heating network of the roof, installation of the boiler and necessary equipment, construction of external gas pipeline.
High-Voltage Electrical networks (Eastern Branch)
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures in Eastern branch of HVEN was awarded to “Dustr Margarita” LLC. The following energy efficiency measures were implemented: replacement of windows by efficient ones, insulation of the roof, installation of interior heating network, installation of boiler and other necessary equipment, installation of the gas pipeline and regulatory computing junction, replacement of doors by efficient ones.
High-Voltage Electrical networks (Goris and Zangezur Branch)
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures in Goris and Zangezur branch of HVEN was awarded to “Sarkoghi” LLC. The following energy efficiency measures were implemented: replacement of non-efficient windows by efficient ones, replacement of non-efficient doors by efficient ones, insulation of the roof by slag, installation of the gas pipeline and regulatory computing junction, installation of internal heating network, installation of condensation boilers and boiler equipment.
Street lighting of Akhuryan village in Shirak region
The contract for implementation of energy efficiency measures in the village Akhuryan was awarded to “Yerknaqer” LLC. The following energy efficiency measures were implemented in the scope of the project: replacement of mercury lamps by the same quantity of high-pressure natrium lamps of equivalent lighting parameters, replacement of 250 DRL lights by the same quantity of high-pressure natrium lamps providing equivalent lighting, replacement of 100W incandescent decorative lamps by 30W or equivalent lamps, management of regulatory and computing systems, improvement of lighting network parameters, installation of new lighting columns with lighting fixtures, installation of missing street lights, painting of the columns.