06.05.2016 On May 4-5, 2016, R2E2 organized two day workshop on summarizing the results of Energy efficiency project. The participants of the workshop are the Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Hayk Harutyunyan, representatives of World Bank Jas Singh, Pedzi Mukambe, R2E2 director Tamara Babayan, as well as representatives of different construction companies, beneficiaries and representatives of consulting companies.
On the first day discussions of the workshop the energy efficiency benefits were presented in details, particularly the medium and long term prospective of R2E2 development potential, the ongoing processes of EEP, the procurement procedures in the scope of EEP, the experience of applying new energy efficiency measures in the scope of the Project, the normative and regulatory documents of Energy efficiency, as well as the results of the social survey about the investments in EEP implemented by R2E2 and etc. The representatives of construction companies presented the implemented works, discussed the issues of their concerns and pointed the high professional potential of R2E2 staff and willingness to support the works to be organized properly. Several beneficiaries expressed their gratitude toward the energy efficiency measures implemented in their facilities.