Pre-bid Meeting with the Constructors


21.08.2014 Pre-bid meeting took place at Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund on august 20, 2014 about the following on going tenders.

Lot  1. Implementation of energy saving measures in Vasgarshapat  CJSC , EE-CW-32/2014-1

Lot 2. Implementation of energy saving measures  in Vagharshapat Special school N2, EE-CW-32/2014-2

Lot 3. Implementation of energy saving measures in Yerevan Main school N66, EE-CW-32/2014-3

Representatives from construction and design organizations, and R2E2 Fund specialists participate at the discussions. The objective of the meeting was to inform the participants about the the tenders and measures implementing under the project.   Procurement specialist Zaruhi Gharagyozyan, energy engineer Hrant-Ter Gabrielyan, energy efficiency project ecologist Hmayak Avagyan had speeches at the meeting. The Fund procurement specialist Zaruhi Gharagyozian introduced the bidding documents in details, emphasized the main provisions, qualification requirements, contract terms, and the bids rejection reasons.

The Fund EE specialist Hrant Ter-Gabrielyan presented the street lighting energy efficiency technical indicators / regulatory documents, electric calculations, financial indices/.  Ecologist  Hmayak Avagyan underlined the scope of the Environmental Management Plan /EMP/ and the works implementing at the construction site.