02.02.2015 On February 2, a pre-bidding meeting held in R2E2 for the following announced tender:
Lot 1 Implementation of energy efficiency measures in “High Voltage Electrical Networks” CJSC eastern branch, EE-CW-37/2014:
The representatives of construction companies and engineering organizations as well as the experts of R2E2 Fund took part in the meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to inform the participants about the implementation of the bidding measurements in the scope of the project. R2E2 Fund’s procurement specialist Zaruhi Gharagyozyan presented the bidding package in details and put an emphasize on the main provisions, qualification and contract requirements as well as reasons of the rejected applications.
R2E2 EE specialist Hrant Ter-Gabrielyan presented thermo-technical indicators/ regulatory documents, thermal calculation and financial indicators of energy efficiency/.