Environmental Specialist

 Duration of assignment: 8 months (optional, to be adjusted, depending on the duration of the Contracts with construction companies)
Date of commencement of services: June, 2023 (optional, to be adjusted, when the Contracts with construction companies are signed).


The Republic of Armenia received financing from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (EFSD) toward the cost of the “Energy Efficient Regions: Introducing Mechanisms to Increase Energy Saving in Public Buildings and Promoting “Green Energy” Project (“Project”) in amount of 1,719,200 (one million seven hundred nineteen thousand two hundred) US dollars. The development goal of the project is to reduce energy consumption in social and other public buildings. The global environmental objective of the Project is to decrease greenhouse gas emissions through the removal of barriers to the implementation of energy efficiency investments in the public sector.

The objective of Project is to improve energy efficiency in public buildings by increasing the level of energy saving in public buildings, promoting the development and formation of infrastructure entities providing energy services, as well as raising awareness among representatives of regional authorities about the effectiveness, principles and mechanisms for attracting energy saving loans.

Physical measures planned for funding will include insulation of walls, basements, and attics, repair/replacement of exterior doors and windows, window optimization, replacement of heat reflective wall surfaces behind radiators, and improvement/replacement of boilers and heating systems in the buildings of the Project beneficiaries(“Rehabilitation works”).

Since Rehabilitation works will only take place on the existing premises of public buildings, and no new construction is planned, the overall expected environmental impact will be negligible. The volume of construction will be moderate, and no plot will be in constant use. Nevertheless, best environmental practices must be maintained by establishing and ensuring proper emission controls, traffic, and pedestrian safety, the use of non-toxic materials, especially indoors, and proper waste disposal. These provisions will be listed and described in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Checklist, which will be available to all bidders during the bidding process and will subsequently become part of the construction contract.


The objective of this assignment is to support the Armenian Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund (“R2E2 Fund”) during the implementation of the Project. The Environmental Specialist will be responsible for project works compliance with the requirements of Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy of the Eurasian Development Bank (approved by the decision of the Board of the Bank dated April 26, 2012, Minutes No. 188). Prevention and mitigation measures will be implemented in accordance with the EMP for specific project activities.

Scope of work

The Environmental Specialist will be responsible for reporting, controlling and monitoring the management of potential environmental impacts arising during the implementation of the Project and for mitigating and managing these impacts through project-specific safety mechanisms. The Environmental Specialist must:

  • Review all documents related to the assignment as well as project-specific works, such as the project-specific design documentation, sample EMP checklist form, and project work plan.
  • Ensure project compliance with the national laws and regulations and Environmental and Social Responsibility Policy of the Eurasian Development Bank (approved by the decision of the Board of the Bank dated April 26, 2012, Minutes No. 188);
  • Develop EMP checklists and fill them on weekly basis for each project site;
  • Carry out field visits and supervise the proper implementation of mitigation measures during the Project implementation;
  • Report to R2E2 Fund on any environmental non-compliance identified during Project implementation, including the application of EMP, and provide recommendations on corrective actions;
  • Ensure all contractors adopt and implement occupational health and safety measures as detailed in the EMP;
  • Promptly notify the R2E2 Fund management of any incident or accident related or having an impact on the Project which has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect on the public or workers;
  • As per the R2E2 Fund’s request, prepare a report on the incident or accident and propose any measures to prevent its recurrence;
  • Provide necessary technical assistance to R2E2 Fund to facilitate the management of environmental risks and impacts and implementation of environmental monitoring;
  • Provide inputs on environmental risks management for regular reports on the implementation of the EMPs as part of Project progress reports, develop monthly environmental/social monitoring reports and final report to be submitted to the R2E2 Fund.

Qualification requirements

  •  Master’s degree in environmental science, natural resources management, civil engineering, or other relevant fields;
  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in environmental assessment, risk management, and environmental monitoring;
  • Relevant experience on implementation of environmental safeguards requirements in donor-funded projects (at least 3 similar Contracts);
  • Fluency in Armenian and English and Russian;
  • Solid computer skills (MS office).

Deliverables and timeline

Deliverable 1. Monthly progress reports (results of monitoring, supervision and site visits).

Monthly Progress Reports (containing summarized results of monitoring, supervision, and site visits as per EMP and attached checklists with photo-reports) to be submitted in electronic form within 10 calendar days following the end of each calendar month.

Deliverable 2. Final Report summarizing the results of EMP implementation with photo reports, demonstrating final status of the project facilities and final environmental audit results, to be submitted in electronic form upon completion of the assignment within 10 calendar days.

Reports will be reviewed by R2E2 Fund and, if necessary, revised by Consultant as per comments and recommendations of R2E2 Fund.

Deadline for submission of comments by R2E2 Fund – 5 working days after receiving the deliverables from the Consultant.

Deadline for submission of revised version of the deliverables, incorporating comments – 10-20 working days (depending on the quantity of Facilities).

All deliverables shall be submitted in Armenian.

All deliverables shall be addressed to the Head of Technical Department Mr. Hrant Ter-Gabrielyan

Resources and personal provided by R2E2 Fund
The R2E2 Fund shall provide office space, project related documentation and vehicle for site visits. The team of Technical department of R2E2 Fund will assist the Consultant during the implementation of assignment in access to the sites, interaction with beneficiaries, Contractors, Technical Supervision Consultant and government institutions, if necessary.

Form of Contract – Time-based contract.