Solar system of “Armavir” penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice of the RA was put into operation


According to the contract signed between Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia, the last activities implemented under the Energy Efficiency Project, have been successfully completed in Armavir Penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice of the RA.

The following activities have been carried out in accordance with the Energy Efficiency Project in “Armavir” Penitentiary of the Ministry of Justice of the RA.

  • Solar water heaters with 1500 vacuum pipes have been installed for hot water supply, integrating with existing boiler house, is connected to hot water supply system;
  • Solar PV  plant with a capacity of 100 kW has been constructed for the electricity needs of the penitentiary, which is connected to the ENA by a two-sided meter;
  • External lighting of the blocking zone and surrounding area,  as well as internal lighting of the buildings have been replaced by energy efficient  LED-lamps;
  • Penitentiary monitoring system has been connected to the central monitoring system.

As a result of energy saving measures, energy saving will be 36%, and annual reduction of carbon dioxide emission – about 277 tones.

Annual saving of solar water heaters will be 174 150 kWh or 2,921,000 AMD per year;

Annual saving of solar PV plant will be 150 000 kWh or 7 317 000 AMD per year;

Annual saving of lighting will be 758,295 kWh or 36,998,630 AMD per year,

Annual total savings will be:

1 082 445 kWh (758 295 light + 174 150 hot water + 150 000 solar plant)

47 227 630 AMD (36 989 630 light + 2 921 000 hot water + 7 317 000 solar plant)