Energy Week


Traditional “Energy Week 2017″ Conference launched in Yerevan

Traditional “Energy Week 2017″ series of Events launched in January 25-27, 2017,  which was organized by  Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund and Expomedia  Centre of Exhibition Projects.

The President of the RA Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, the World Bank Country Director Mrs. Laura Bailey, the Deputy Minister of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources Mr. Hayk Harutyunyan, representatives of international institutions, non-governmental and financial organizations, foreign investors, private and public sector representatives and experts took part in the opening ceremony of the event.

These regular Events organized by the Fund were aimed at presenting the latest developments in energy efficiency and renewable energy sector, investment opportunities and possible sources of funding, technological and engineering solutions, perspectives and problems existing in the sector.

The series of Events included a three-day exhibition, which represented local producers and professional companies working in the sector. It introduced insulating materials, energy efficient lighting and heating systems, solar technology schemes and services. The exhibition was attended by 28 specialized companies.

Investors represent different countries, such as France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Holland, Switzerland, USA, United Arab Emirates, India, Iran, Lebanon, China, Russia, Ukraine and others. The first solar power station construction prospects in Masrik 1 site in Gegharkunik region, as well as the details of the tender were presented at the Conference. The anticipated capacity of the power station is 55 MW, although a station of about 95 MW capacity is possible to construct in the selected site. The Tender will allow to obtain the lowest price proposal through participation of eligible companies and investors. The participation of public officials and round-table discussions was not only confidence and guarantee for the investors, but also a good opportunity to provide clarifications on key issues in terms of legislation.

The project introduced energy sector development vision and renewable energy enabling environment for the investments in Armenia. Enabling policies and stable  historical experience was introduced by local investors and banks, which was crucial to attracting foreign investments.

The second day of the Event was devoted to the development of renewable energy in Armenia, several reports on investment climate, energy system, investors’ risk mitigation solutions and other issues in Armenia. The guests of the Event visited Armenia Cognac/Brandy factory during the break.

The third day of the Event was focused on energy efficiency sector achievements and challenges, financing opportunities, mechanisms for energy efficiency investments, as well as the development of sustainable energy project in Syunik region, and number of other issues.

The participants visited Merdzavan solar resource measuring station, which was installed and used by Armenia Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund for the assessment of reliable, accurate solar resource data collection.

The results and achievements of the project, government reforms and incentives so far were introduced during the Event. Financing opportunities for community energy saving projects and SME energy efficiency projects were introduced by the international and local banks.

Welcome Addresses-

Mr. Serzh Sargsyan, The President of Armenia

Mrs. Laura Bailey, Country Director, The World Bank




Sustainable energy development in Armenia, Mr.H.Harutyunyan, Deputy Minister of Energy Infrastructure and Natural Resources

Armenia Solar Power Project, Mr. Ruben Gevorgyan, R2E2 Fund

Solar Resource Assessment in Armenia: preliminary results of ground based measurements, satellite and model validation, José Martínez Valenzuela Effergy/Irsolav  (Spain)

Feasibility Study for Masrik 1 Investment Project Manuel Ladron De Cegama ÅF Aries Energía (Spain)

Grid Connection Options at Masrik 1 site Manuel Ladron De CegamaÅF Aries Energía (Spain)

Investment Climate in Armenia, Mr. K. Mkrtichyan, Director of Development Foundation of Armenia

Armenia Investment Guide

Legal Regulatory Structure of the Project, Government guarantees and incentives for Solar IPP, Abgar Budaghyan, R2E2 Fund Expert

Energy efficiency as a pillar for national energy policy- A.Pasoyan

Energy Sector Issues of the RA in the context of Paris Agreement under UN Framework Convention on Climate Change-Diana Harutyunyan Climate Change Program Coordinator, UNDP Armenia

Sustainable energy developments in YEREVAN CITY– Tigran Sargsyan, Yerevan Municipality

SME Energy Efficiency Project (IPC/R2E2 Fund), Gernot Kuhlisch, IPC (Germany)

Small Hydro Power Plants (Success Stories and Challenges) Arevik Malyan, SHPP Association

OSCE: Support for Syuniq Marz Sustainable Energy Projects Z. Gharagyozyan (R2E2 Fund)

Technocom company presentations

Bitlis Men, Ashot Minasyan


Arpi Solar

Financing opportunities for renewable energy projects


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Ledify (Lusavor Sahman) Hayk Shekyan